RocketPort® INFINITY Quadcable DB25M

RocketPort INFINITY Quadcable DB25M


  • 4 x DB25M connectors
  • RS-232/422/485 software selectable interface
  • 32/64-bit 3.3 or 5V PCI / PCI-X slot compatible
  • Low-profile / Standard PCI brackets included
  • Windows & Linux Driver Support

The RocketPort INFINITY Quadcable DB25M is a four-port serial adapter, with fan-out cable connectors.

The card is a low profile adapter, designed for use in standard and low-profile PCs and servers, and ships with a low-profile and standard height bracket.

RS-232/422/485 is software selectable via the Windows or Linux drivers, and data rates up to 921kbps are supported.

All RocketPort INFINITY products are RoHS compliant.

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